Saturday, March 8, 2008


Had lovely worship with hillsong Savior King Dvd.

And while singing

"I love you Lord,
You rescued me
You are all that I want
You're all I need"

I realised what you're all I want, all I need means... or rather i rediscovered it's meaning. Cause sometimes on may think how can you say that God is all that I want and all that i need when I knwo that perhaps I want a husband, or a new job, or some need to be met, etc.etc. So am I just singing that and putting aside the things that I know I also am desiring, or Does it means that you need to not want those things anymore? Because God should be the only thing we want or need. What if we already married? Where does that fit in...

Well while singing I realised. God is all that we need, And should be all that we want. He is the only one who can fill that space in our hearts, who can meet our need for anything, not with something, but with Him, He is all that we should want and need, and as we find God and he is all we want and all we need, we find the other things and relationships secondary to Him too, in Him we are blessed, our friendships and material goods and jobs are blessings over and above what we really needed, which is him.

He is all we need. Without him, we may have everything, yet still be empty. The more we get the more we desire. But with Him and more of Him we become more content, more complete, He does become our everything and at that point all the other things are added, over and above what we have already received. Jesus Christ.

Also had lovely family time today. I braced myself about comments about my weight, cause even though you got a comment last week, and there is no way you can lose 15 kilos in one week, walking in your swimming costume is going to bring on comments, but this time because I braced myself for it, I still had a good time regardless. Most of our De Wet family pitched for Candices Thankyou, Congratulations Party on becoming a CA. And it was fun. Uncle Leon was splashing every one wet, I got hurt twice, in weird ways... the first time bumped my head and was about to pretend that nothing happened not realising the sound was so loud that everyone heard :) The second time was going to run and jump in the pool next to Uncle Leon and splash him wet, but just before I could jump, he turned around saw me was about to splash me, I jumped out of the way, bumping my toe against the wall and about to fall forwards, but managed to grab Uncle Edgar just before I fell. he got a huge fright too :) But otherwise the day was fun, full, Just a bit sad afterwards or Krapperig, when hearing a bit of low self image talk from some, but I suppose it took me years to get where I am now, so need to give them space to grow that way too.

Tomorrow it's my dad's birthday, so this weekend is really family time.
Me tired, should go to bed soon :)

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