Tuesday, April 8, 2008

thoughts about this world after taking a sneak peak at tyrabanks inside...

This world is all about extremes.

In the past people werent speaking about sex at all and it did lead to a lot of undercover issues, So now to correct that wrong, it's now All About Sex! Everything you watch, read, people speak about...Even tiny below the belt jokes in Shrek! That cant be good either, actually it isnt good! Cause even kids are asking and even making comments like they know what it's like, so what do they want to do when they grow up. And even if they had made a stance, it's difficult to hold on when you told when where how,all the time.

Again, I take our country's "FREEDOM", in the past things were taboo, wrong,restricted, measured, to even the colour of your skin, and even then your colour could be right so it was the straightness of your hair or size of your nostrils that determined, where you stay, where you can eat, which beach you can swim in, what time of night you can still be walking around, In fact, regardless of who you are, your colour could have labelled you as a criminal. There was lots of other restrictions too. So now in the name of Freedom, the government is now allowing anything and everything. And having the attitude of whats right for you is different to whats right for me, and so get with the program, allow everything and if you have a problem with it you are " "phobic. In fact holding to the values of old even before the old government is a problem - Marriage, Abstainance, the value of life... As someone told me before. Freedom isnt the power to do whatever you want it's the power to do whats right. Before people couldnt do whats right, because they were in bondage by the law and now have the freedom to do whats right and fix what was wrong, but instead by legalizing, promoting and tweaking every single law that used to be taboo, e.g allowing teenagers under legal age to commit abortions even without parental permission... :(

And kids are going out there believing things because the government says so, and even says dont let anyone tell you cause it's your life, your body, your choices... But just in case you didnt get that we will bombard you with messages reminding you of all your options, (yes i know it's too "prevent people from having backstreet abortions") but it's so difficult for those who live for ageold biblical principles to stand even in school when what they believe is constantly being told is wrong...

Anyway...To the teen or confused, or seeking person reading this. Remember it's all about balance. It's not 2 extremes...

In the past you werent allowed to be gay, now you may be, but in fact you can challenge, norms that have been there forever (marriage) and get it changed. If you choose to be gay that is your choice, but by doing the above you are too enforcing your choices on my life.

Back to what I started to say above. Guys dont believe everything you see, read, hear even if it's from the government. Yes, they are there to lead, but above that should be the bible and your own mind and reasoning. In the past someone told people the bible says that there are whites and blacks and whites are somehow better and a whole generation or more believed it, in the name of Christianity, without going to verify and sit with their own bible, the Lord, and their own mind, and think what do I think in light of what my bible is telling me. Perhaps Apartheid would not have happened. The same goes for now. There may be no apartheid now, but what is happening now that we are just accepting, without questioning because the government said so, so its must be right. If you call yourself Christian, Please I urge you read your bible, find out for yourself what the Word of God says and stand upon that. In fact it says everything else will pass away but only this word will remain.

If there is anything that I've said that offends you because you are that person practicing it...Example you've had an abortion, or are homosexual. The fact that I am disagreeing with your lifestyle does not mean that I hate you, or am scared of what you practising or even that I will not be your friend. I will but agree to disagree according to the word of God. Judgement, means condemning if to the unbeliever and that is not my place. However it does say if a person claims to be christian you can hold them accountable or even just ask why they do what they do, this is not condemning to hell. (And why does that word hell always come up so much)

It's not first and foremost about not going to hell, it's about the Love of God, who changes us from the inside out. He accepts us the way we are, but at the same time he gives us the freedom to do whats right according to His word, so as we walk with him, we change...

Ok So I realise that I sounded frustrated above, but it's just becuase of the stuff we are too constantly bombarded with. But the bottom line is me, you whoever we are, we need to be defined and aligned to the word of God. We need to read it and understand it for ourselves and from there as we by grace through faith, allow this Living God to teach us His ways, and submit we find the strength we need to be who He has called us to be. And what he Calls us affects everything, our view of love, relationships, obedience, sexuality, personality, values, morals, etc.etc...

And that counts for me too.

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