Sunday, November 16, 2008

Finishing Strong?

Right now feel peace about not being able to write security.Though my mind tells me i may regret this later, but at the same time I am thinking these thoughts...

That the way I see me needs to be aligned with how He sees me.

Yes I have messed up this year, but God does not see me as messed up.

And if I see me as messed up that doesnt make it easier for me to win in life

In the same way

The way I know God's love defines how I will love others.

The more I love God and allow his love to transform and change and complete me,
The more I will be able to love people in the same way...

Its not about what I think, it's about what He thinks. In him and his ways and his will and his guidance is our strength to live the way he wants us to.

Lord today, I thank you for Your Love.
Thank You Lord for your faithfulness
Thank You that you care and that my life is transformed as I come closer to You
Thank You for your commitment to my life.
I know that though I failed and though my mind is saying you're going to regret this later, that despite that I am not a failure and God hasnt given up on me
No one who puts their trust in Him is ever put to shame
but the secret to that is putting our trust in Him...

God I love You.Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

Your kingdom come! Your will be done!



How do we grow. how do we win....? By growing in him and knowing him...Thats what i believe. In my own strength or own view I may keep failing? But as I lift my eyes I find the strength and wisdom i need to face what I need to...

How do I love and forgive my neighbour, by receiving his love. If I'm wrong please do correct me, but right now this is such an awesome summing up of what I've been learning in this time.

that if I see me the way God sees me, then whatever people say doesnt really matter, because I know and experience and enjoy His love, favour and approval.
And if I see people the way God sees me...That is the change, but without knowing and experiencing Him I will never really get it unless I am doing it naturally so before knowing it was God working that in me...


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