Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Psalm 23

God has just blessed me last night with this Psalm opening it up for me and by this I hope that you the reader will be blessed too. Taking it from a chat I had with a friend, so dont write same thing twice, but really wouldnt put this up if didnt think it was for everyone...

Went to bed last night reading Psalm 23
me: and really blessed by it
me: new revelations

11:25 AM me: Thing is this is the God that we have (according to Psalm 23) He takes care of us, we should not want... he takes me out of the environment that is causing more stress, and just brings me to a place where i can restore my soul.. Then he guides me in his ways...for his name sake

11:27 AM me: God does all of this before we face troubles, issues, questions, sin, temptation, death or anything that leads to death...So that when we do face it we know that he is with us, we know that he is comforting us in the midst of it, even though we are facing those things, we dont fear, becuase we know God, because he is our shepherd

11:29 AM me: He takes it a step further an anoints us and even blesses us in the the presence of our enemies, it's like me 2 weeks ago I think when I fell to one of my temptations and was beating myself up...but even while the Devil was about to rip me apart with condemnation God prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies by giving me that opp to drive to that farm an hour or so from my house...(get into nature, and just restore my soul, got paid to take the guy and ate lekker (nice) and met great new people and grew in business skills...He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies...My Cup overflows

11:31 AM me: Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life... Thats the God we serve... Know that He is your shepherd. Know that he is taking care of you, know that he is with you, and comforting you and you will see love and goodness all the days even the bad days...And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever... HOW Awesome.. It doesnt start one day, it's everyday..it's like psalm 27 one thing i ask of the lord, this is what I seek that I may dwell in the house of the lord,...

11:33 AM But still meditating on this :) But really this past weekend again, i had to go on a tour wiht exchange students and they were on a hike/walk in a completely nature secluded place, and 2 girls needed the loo so I walked back with them and sat next to the lake/river with them waiting for the rest and when reading psalm 23 last night I just saw the "He leads me beside quiet waters..."

11:36 AM me: And in the midst of all of this, doesnt mean I'm not going through stuff...I'm going through a whole lot of stuff, lots of questions with no answers lots of frustration with people, myself and lack of finances...But last night he just reminded me of the sitll waters, the table he prepares in the midst of my enemies an I can see all the blessings even in this time, and I see that that is God...So ja (yes) just to end if this you need to hear this too...

The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not be in want. He makes you lie down in green pastures, he leads you besides quiet waters, he restores your soul... (that is what we need hey....what we need...our soul to be restored and he does that) he guides you along paths of righeousness even for His own name sake ( he teaches you his way, he gives you word that builds and rebukes you so you can be more like him)

11:37 AM Even though, you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. You will fear no evil For He is with you! (he is not up in heaven far removed from your life but right there with you) His rod and his staff they comfort you

11:38 AM (amazing how you can hear this PSALM over and over and over or in my case, just like oh ok it's psalm 23 and yet how God can open it up and show you how it's not just psalm 23, but it's him and it;s how he does things, his kingdom principal, and then he takes it further and shows you how he is doing that for you)

11:40 AM God prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies (right there in the midst of the valley of shadow of death. Even if there is evil all around!) He anoints you with oil and your cup overflows!
More than Enough!
Surely goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

11:41 AM GOD bless you... Enjoy dwelling in His house...Enjoy the feast he prepares for you, and the green pastures he makes you lay down in. Enjoy Your God, because He surely enjoys you
He is for you.
He knows and understands you
11:42 AM He loves you and his love has no limits...
I love psalm 25 and I love all the scriptures (there is one in psalm 25) that refers to NO one who puts their trust in Him will ever be put to shame
No one

11:46 AM Enjoy him...

me: hey I just rememebered an old song we used to sing at our old traditional church at the end of services... for you "May God's blessings Surround You Each day...May You trust Him and walk in his ways...May his presence within, Guard and keep you from sin. Go in peace, Go in love, Go in Joy"

11:53 AM me: found a jazzy version of it for you to listen to :) http://www.amazon.com/May-Gods-Blessing/dp/B000QPHSG8/ref=sr_f2_2?ie=UTF8&s=dmusic&qid=1227001845&sr=102-2

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