Friday, July 13, 2007

Two Kinds of Wisdom....

Who is wise and understanding among you?

Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.


if you harbor
bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts,
do not
boast about it or deny the truth.

Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven
but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all
then peace-loving,
full of mercy and good fruit,
impartial and

Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

James 3: 13 - 18


  1. I am working on a teaching right now for tomorrow morning about .. well it is about something else but one of my points is about Facts vs Truth and how the interpretation (our filter - which for us should be God's Word) is based on the thoughts we have been feeding ourselves about the item, ourselves, our environment etc. Which sort of "wisdom" will we cling to? That based from our 5 senses (earthy) or that from God? Which goes with and above our senses..

  2. Just thought I have to add this link, So funny today reading this pastor of our church in london's blog and he touched on so many things I've spoken about recently but this in particular went very nicely with the wisdom post...

    Then to just answer you SJ, I've found many times, we get some of God's wisdom, just a drop of it then we run ahead instead of digesting it and receiving perhaps all that he was going to give and share... Thats what I do alot, but its also about waiting for God's timing even though you know something. Also As we grow in our relationship with God we begin to distinguish the difference between our wisdom and His. Because we are learning to hear his voice he is also able to share more with us.

    Also in James 1, I think I posted this before but if anyone Lacks wisdom he should Ask God, who gives freely to all but when he asks he should not doubt! (my version for now) So We get the wisdom from above but what do we do with it. You are really only wise when you not only know something but You believe what you know and live it. Otherwise how can that be wisdom if you yourself dont attempt to live it?

    This fact vs Truth thing goes with my arthritis,the fact is I have a chronic disease, that I will not be healed of it. The truth is God is my healer, and he is able to heal me, what am I going to believe. Everytime I have to go and buy chemotherapy drugs, the facts are pretty clear, and I find myself feeling a bit sorry for myself that i have to be dependant on drugs to walk, but after just reconnecting with God I know the truth is God is using this to bring an even greater awarenes of Him as my Lord and my healer, and when I get through this I will not go back to my old habits that got me sick in the first place. And as Daniel them said They Believe That God is able save them, but even if he doesnt' they will still praise Him! The Truth is I am blessed out of my socks and Whether I am where I want to be or on my way, whatever it seems it is my faith which will bring that which I cannot see into reality. Anyway, and I really like the scripture that I posted as a guide to knowing the difference, How do I know it's from God. Is it Humble? Etc....

    I sense another blogpost coming soon!

  3. wow you put some energy into that response. I can see how your example (arthritis) really fits into the truth vs. fact. It hit me when you said :

    "Everytime I have to go and buy chemotherapy drugs, the facts are pretty clear"

    It's those same facts that can get people to so disregard the power of God at times, or His very existence. I didn't know you were going through that. Suzy and I will keep you in our prayers.

    I liked what your pastor wrote here:
    "I must take responsibility for everything that is growing in my garden. I either planted it there myself, or I did not weed it out when I should have, and now it is causing trouble."
