Friday, September 28, 2007

Things that i read lately that made a little impact on me...

Some of these are just things I still need to chew on a little more but just highlighted in what I read in the past week...

no1 - A misunderstanding of God's Character

Sheila Walsh- All that really matters, pg 32 to 33

Perhaps, like me, you have harboured a misunderstanding about God's charater and ways. There have been times in my life when I thought if I surrendered and area to God's control, he would take it away just to see if I loved him "enough".When i was sixteen years old, my mother becme sick... As I walked along the sand, a battle raged inside of me. I wanted to release Mom into God's hands and live in his peace, but I was terrified that if I did, he would take her.
I am convinced today that God is not like that. He is a jealous God, but he is also good and kind and loving. He is a parent too.

(This has been the way I too have handled many situations but God has been teaching me to trust him. Wrt to healing he said Dont I want that for you too? Of course he doesnt give us everything we want, but I know he walks with us and we are able to share our concerns burdens and get answers, burdens lifted, peace inside and even healing if he so desires)

no.2 Love in the shadows...


God has been to me a God who loves me in the shadows of my life and loved me out of the shadows into his Marvelous light

no.3 Little by little i am changing.

- Introduction to Battlefield of the mind - Joyce Meyer

(Great reminder when all the circumstances were scaring me to give up!)

no.4 Doing Good

"i liked doing good, even back then in the dark ages of my soul :) , but "good" according to my own definitions, and what i want. Way far from Absolute Good, Right and True. But i was sure of what i wanted.

Now, i love doing good, but accdg to God's standards. That means way far from what's convenient or good enough or advantageous for me. And many times i'm not sure where i'm going; i'm following Someone who's ever faithful but the details might not be too clear at present...
i love doing good. i always have. And even if technically, i'm supposed to do good anyway, i actually do it because i choose to, because i want to. Not simply in and of itself, but also and more importantly, because i follow God who is good, because i obey God who commanded us to be good, because i love God who does good."

(doing good means doing the right thing for the right reasons, not what I feel like doing for myself)

no. 5 wrt to Stress/procrastination

"Stop Thinking and Talking About Your Problems
The state of upset or arousal sets off an alarm in the body to defend itself from threatening, hostile events. Even thinking of an upsetting event or imagining danger can also trigger the alarm. A chain of responses are set into motion inside us to fight or run from the circumstance. "

(I realised thats the reason I procrastinate, its the fright, flight or freeze. I freeze when I stress, and Its really been great now taking those thoughts captive before i freeze again)


  1. Hello Chandre :D

    Thank you for quoting me ^_^ i was using BlogSearch on Google and saw this article :D

    Hope to see you in person soon...Maybe in the next World Conference? Or during a missions trip? ^_^

    God is with us ^_^ Happy CHRISTmas to you and all your loved ones ^_^

  2. Hello Chandre :D

    Thank you for quoting me ^_^ i was using BlogSearch on Google and saw this article :D

    Hope to see you in person soon...Maybe in the next World Conference? Or during a missions trip? ^_^

    God is with us ^_^ Happy CHRISTmas to you and all your loved ones ^_^
