Monday, April 11, 2011

Thoughts on Dominion...

I thought I should post what's on the brain before I forget

Today My Status on FB was:
thank you God for all you taught me this weekend!!!! Today I will try and take dominion over my life, health, room!, work, new job, relationships, relationship with you for YOUR GLORY!

So I go to bed last night and wake up this morning praying this over my life and ready to change my attitude towards life and work and body, health after a weekend of preaching at Helps Ministry Training on (PASSION, LOVE, COMMITMENT, SACRIFICE = OWNERSHIP) and Sunday Night Evening Service (Work of FAITH, Labour of Love, Enduranec inspired by Hope) - we all as people work, labour,endure  but for us the difference is faith hope and love added to what we do...! Also with this is Arthur Burk teachings on Dominion...(the reason why we dont see it...cause its for his glory not ours) and then YAM prayer... Where there was a word about us Young adults taking Dominion over what God has given us, our lives, our jobs, etc.etc... So after all of that I decide that I am going to do things differently have to change my attitude, have to be intentional, etc.etc...

Then the day starts and I end up being late for work training...! But as I drive, and forgetting the name of the school I stop someone who is going to the school which was a miracle for her, and for me and it was just showing me that despite my shortcomings, God is apart of the agenda in the little thigns even( reminder to self that Stanley at Church said, as he got older start thanking, giving Glory to God for all the things hte little things that happen to us!) But anyway as I am pondering, about work, the revelation of training, my stress and fears about the job even though it is all falling in place nicely I realise this about all of this...

God calls us to take Dominion... That was what was said in the garden in Genesis (how funny we were taught about this so long ago and only now this is making sense to me!) Anyway we are called to rule, designed to rule/take ownership, influence, fix, with Gods help of course, the life/area/situation God has placed in our lives, to let his kingdom come in that area... So yeah we get this, we are hearing this preached this now, but what is needed to actually see dominion not just preach dominion?

Work. Taking Dominion over a difficult relationship, My WEIGHT, etc.etc... is not just a prayer, now I am not saying prayer can't work even on its own, I believe it can, God may be calling you to PRAY regarding a situation and in this case, this is work too, something we are doing, to change the situation...But besides prayer sometimes Seeing Dominion may require more. We may not even see it in our lifetimes, but we labour to take dominion of the earth! And again with Adam and Eve after they fell and didnt take dominion but instead chose to listen to serpent and own desires, work now became toil, the earth produced thorns, it was harder...So taking dominion will not be easy, there will be will be hard, there will be resistance... But we are called to take dominion so we must anyway, its just this dominion now includes HARD WORK... :)

Which can make us feel INADEQUATE, UNPREPARED, TIRED, STRUGGLING,  and maybe other people from the work take their identity from it, make Work the objective, so push hard, work hard, but without the heart, or anointing or others procrastinate, Stress!etc.etc...but the bottom line is toil creates in us a UNFINISHED, even INSECURITY WHICH makes us then CRY OUT TO GOD

As we cry out to God for help, HE comes gives us answers, perspective, lifts the load, helps us have purpose in the the labour, moves through us, does something bigger than we thought through it, shows us how it was all him in the first place, we realise our identiy and our call through him intervenng and opening our eyes and lifting us, in the situation...

and DOMINION HAPPENS! it's like the seed that falls to the ground, then dies, and new harvest comes from that... Dominion doesnt come just from Praying, or Working the Dominion, or Struggling with it, but as we take it to God he comes and does all of the above through us with a different mindset, heart, view, strength and courage in us! It's like taking his call, and giving it back to him, and then living out what he calls! I think all is necessary, Just all is not isolated, but works together!

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