Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Morning WORD

My train ride was cool. I asked God that I could have a nice quiet time session and that he would direct my paths, my day and my ride who I end up with. I ended up speeding to the station and sprinting from my car making it just in time to jump on the 7h30 train that stopped at the station. The next one is only 8 so if you miss that you are in a predicament.

I ended up chatting to my cousins friend from school who apparantly listens to Crefflo dollar and stuff although I recall she lived a hectic life, but it was such a nice chat that I took her no and stuff... After that I was reading Numbers because I noticed that ps keeps speaking about Joshua and Caleb and on Monday's meeting he read from there, anyway, I read, but God took me right back to Exodus 20.

The Ten Commandments....

Do you know what happens before and after (I realised this would make a great childrens church lesson) God comes on Mount Sinai in Smoke it looks like a Fire burning on the mountain. Anyone who touches the mountain would die... Moses is the only one who is allowed to go up.

Afterwards the people are so fearful they tell Moses, from now on you speak to us, dont let God speak to us.... And he says No dont be afraid. God is just allowing us to have the fear of him so we would keep from sinning...

What I find awesome about the old testament is that it's like learning something from experience vs revelation... We know alot of the new testament, but when we read stories like this we get the background or where that is coming from...That even right there, God is wanting the people to know him...Even though he is scary to them, Moses says no dont be afraid.

Cause when I read the fire part, I thought about the song Fire Burns.... And how His Fire burns within us, like the Fire burned on the mountain when God gave Moses the commandments. And that is why God says to us, his commandments should now be within our hearts, written on the tablets of our hearts because His fire now is within, not on a Holy mountain...

Also another cool part I read and Joshua was mentioned there was the description of the tent of meeting. It was a place where all the israelites could go and meet and inquire of the Lord. But only when Moses went in the pillar of God would come down and stand at the entrance of the tent, and the people that saw this would worship God...But what was so awesome is the section ends with "Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young assistant Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent."

I dont know if others had read right into Exodus about Joshua, but there was this young assistant lingering around the tent while and after Moses had left, then already God had prepared a future for Joshua and Joshua was just enjoying God. Sounds similar to the story of David...

May we realise that it's these stolen moments with God,that sets us up for Gods future for us... But also that there is a foundation to the things he tells us, that although in Proverbs it says the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, if you go right back to Exodus, Moses says dont be afraid, God is just testing you and allowing his fear to keep us from sinning....

Lastly... Moses told God

If your presence does not go with us, do not send us from here.... What will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"

Numbers 6:22

The Lord bless you and KEEP you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you;

The Lord turrn his face towards you
and give you peace."

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