Wednesday, May 14, 2008


It's amazing how one can go from a lifetime of forgiving easily to struggling not to be bitter. Yes, one knows all the headknowledge. You only hurting yourself. Forgiveness is the answer, you will be defiled by a root of bitterness.

But please give me the answer to how to handle the same treatment for your whole life. You forgive, but it happens again, only worse. Is it too much to ask if I also want to be fed up with the way I'm being treated. i agree Love is always about the other person, but at the same time when I look at spiritually healthy people I see it goes both way, they respect others and are in turn respected.

Anyway, I dont want to be defiled, but at the same time I dont want to sleep in a ball of chaos and to be belittled in the times that I've tried hard to do the right thing, I cant please everybody, but at the same time in the situation I find myself now in, if I do what I know is right to do I cant handle the backlash of words,attitudes too.

And at the same time I dont want to hurt anybody and at the back of my mind am worrying about the other person, and therefore havent gone to go and complain that I'm not sleeping at night and may get sick soon. Becuase I know that instead of working towards a solution, offence will be taken and then I have to worry again about that person and their wellbeing, so instead I keep quiet...

And struggle to bring this situation before the Lord, because there are so many scriptures in this regard that is telling me I'm wrong, but not telling me how to prevent the situation from recurring or how to stand when you feel like their is hammer being hit on your head. And you can see that they too are sorry for their words, but at the same time there will never be a sorry or a I love you, becuase I'm the reason for making them so angry. And yet. All that I was doing in the first place was to try and sort out the mess.

God we built up such a lovely relationship and now it seems like it's toppling down.

Your word says You are my Fortress, My God in whom I trust.

And yet, sin seperates us. So I'm not sure I can bring myself to you without sorting this situation out, and I dont have a clue how to do it in a way that doesnt hurt me even more. Or is that the point?

I dont know Lord. Please come through for me and this situation.

In Jesus name

1 comment:

  1. Hello( i could not find your name)

    I live in the UK and grew up with christian parents. as a teenager i was very much like you, god ruled my life, i felt guilty for the smallest things, i never had boyfriends, and felt that god was all i needed. as i grew older i realised that i god doesn't want us to live this way. we are not here to be nuns, and cut ourselves off from the outside world. I believe that life is not about extremes, its not about finding one thing that you obsess over and going mad for it, but experiencing the diversity of life. going out and having a drink, and not beating yourself up over it, having none christian friends who can influence your life positively and give you a balanced view.
    you are here ONCE that's it, if you think about things rationally how would an all loving god who cares about us send people to hell for effectively coming to the wrong conclusion? there are so many unanswered questions, and unless you actually die you can never answer them, why spend your life trying.let go and just see what happens. I'll tell you what your life will change dramatically

    you make yourself who you are not god, its your choices that have got you where you are.Im not saying you are wrong in what you are doing, im just putting accross annother point of view, you seem unhappy, id like you help.

    I hope to hear from you

    Kind Regards

