Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Funny How....

Funny how you can be where all your friends and family are and feel more lonely than ever. Funny how people who don't understand you, fight with you, etc. can be more there for you than the people who do. I understand that everyone is so busy, and everyone's lives are a bit deurmekaar, but just sometimes hard to as I said be surrounded by people but yet everyone is at arms length. I suppose this is the time to find God in my City... In the same way when I was gone and misunderstood I found him. There are some people who are there, and life long friends who you don't have to explain yourself too. But it's still so much work just to be in community. And even spiritually. Just to talk to someone about God or what's going down sometimes means driving to the next town. Sorry if you are reading this and feeling but I am here! Let me know you are then. But so many times I feel like I'm the only one saying Hey when are we going to get together, when are we going to pray, etc...And if thats' your hearts desire let me know so that I know I'm not alone.

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