Monday, May 9, 2011

Divine Appointments...

Lately God has been intervening in my life in subtle ways... I don't realise it when it's happening but only after or during the divine appointment. E.g. I stop to tell the caretaker at the school wow u still get people with good old fashioned manners, and it turns out he is a grandpa to 1 of the kids who died in the taxi/train accident in Blackheath. So asked if i could say a prayer for him and he said yes... But amazing how if I never made that comment, it would have not occured.

Similiarly went volunteering this weekend in Mitchells Plain, saw a guy who was in charge of the group on Sat, and Sunday when helped out again, was constantly interacting and working in same room as him, when I had to scrub the floor with turps, mentioned I can't use my right hand and he asked why? told him I had arthritis, was healed but pain back in last few months. Turns out he has just recently found out he has a similiar arthritis and we could chat about it...

And so on and so on...

Also 2 little sort out issues have occured with 2 friends, where in the moment I was a bit defensive yet however thanking them for telling me the truth, but as I looked back on those moments, so grateful that God is working in my life through people, things are surfacing, I am growing, here in my city and not just out on the mission field. Thanks God.

So to summarize, as God walked with Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, I have been asking God please walk with me, and though I'm not always aware of it, I have been seeing his hand amazingly on my life in terms of the divine appointments with people... Let us desire God walking closer, let us allow his dealings, let us allow him to use us, Let us learn what it means to be a child of God.

1 comment:

  1. "Lately God has been intervening in my life in subtle ways... I don't realise it when it's happening but only after or during the divine appointment."
    --> Indeed, it's *after* we follow Him that we see how He is in control of the life yielded to Him. The surprise is just another proof that the appointment is from Him and not due to our own plans.

    More and more of His Spirit in our lives,
    Your sister, Teci :)
