Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Current Revelations/Sermons


* Just be obedient to the word, what's more to understand? If it says don't do this,
then don't
* It's all about Him, and should be all about Him. When I start making my life and
priority and everything all about Him, things will begin to fall in place, ministry
will work, work will work, life will work, when I fear God first, and put him first, humbling myself. Self = Pride

Sun Evening:

* Everything begins in seed form. Any dream, vision begins in seed form:
* If you're not seeing fruits in your life, and yet in others, it's not the seed(word) that's at fault, or the sower (God) but the soil...

Parable of the Sower:

* Hard ground: Paths are hard, you've allowed so much to come and walk across your heart until it became hard like a path, people, wrong thoughts, false teachings. You are so hard, and there is so much voices in your head you cannot even hear God, so when God's word does come it bounces right off, and the enemy can come and lie to you.
* Rocky ground: Shallow Christian. You say Yes Lord, Yes, Thankyou Lord for sending me to the nations but no God, I'm not going to speak to my neighbour. Or Yes Lord, I am Yours, but no I'm not going to clean the toilets at church...You didnt surrender all of your heart, "Lord you can have This area, but just not that". You need to surrender ALL of your life...
* Weeds and Thorns: This is a terrible one because you get the same word/seed, you grow just as the good soil one, but there are no fruits in your life, whereas the other one is yielding 30, 60, 100 times its crop, and you, Nothing. Why is this? becuase you are so busy, the word has no priority in your life...Everything is equal or even getting more intention than God in your life. You dont have time to think about and apply the word you receive in your life.It's not that God doesnt want you to pursue a career, etc. But His word needs to be first place in your life.
* Good soil: You hear the word, you live it, you hold to it, apply it, you continue to work at your heart, your soil turning it over, removing the words, so that God's word can grow in your heart...

Victory Weekend:

* Reform, Conform, Transform: Reform - I tried to change my life myself, just added on to made some changes to my old life, making adjustments to the old pattern. Conform - I tried to copy anothers life, who I see fruits in doing what they do to make my life right, following their patterns. Transform - God changes me from the inside out, he transforms my, he changes my life. First 2 is me trying to make me different, last one is He bringing about that change in my life and only He can.

* If you're not trusting God 100%. If you're only trusting him 99.9% and holding back 0.1%, you're not trusting God. God wants us to fully trust him, to not hold back.

* I am CHOSEN, ROYAL and HOLY... How much of my life would change if I just believe and live it out in my life. I won't need acceptance from man, or have fear of man,cause I would believe I am CHOSEN. I won't walk with my head down, and be confident at work or wherever and won't take nonsense from people because I am ROYAL and lastly I wouldn't compromise, cause I would be HOLY as He is Holy...

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