Monday, December 22, 2008

What a weekend...

On Friday I decided to drive to Strand... And sleep over by my cousin there. The initial plan being that the Saturday to visit my other cousin in Gordon's Bay. Got there about 8h30/9PM and watched dvd's with my cousins children. Highschool Reunion 1 :). The next morning all 3 neices was all over me, trying to wake me up early and get me to watch movies with me. Especially cute this time for me was Lezanne because last time I saw her she was younger and didnt really speak much to strangers and now she keeps coming to me and hugging me and talking with her cute high 4 year old voice. Also it's so funny how they all speak Afrikaans to each other then the moment they speak to me they all swop to English.

So Saturday my cousin and I take all 3 to the mall.That was a test. Suddenly they were almost not so cute as they keep running off and almost making the waiter fall,asking for things all the time,etc.etc..*But as I said almost not so cute, because of course they still cute even when naughty.

After coming home I went out with my cousin and her friend. First braaied and was exposed to some other stuff there quite funny/crazy night. Also divine connections. God amazed me how he is always involved even when I'm not expecting it. Then from there we decided to go to clubs in the area as it was her birthday Sunday. First went to Thumbs up. Just a reminder for me a greatful one again, that thank God I dont club. And that isnt my life. Yep enjoyed the company occasionally and danced to all the old school numbers "If you say Jump, I'll say how high? Precious little Diamond" but that was about it...100% Sober trying to do something I dont really feel comfortable with.

Went in and out of 3 clubs that night and saw 2 people I knew. Came home from the last club 5h30, went to the one friend i mets house and had coffee. then got my things and went home washed,etc...and went to church....Strangely enough I was still awake though I must admit on the N2 was almost falling asleep.

In Church God's grace again was sufficient for me. I could sense his presence even before the first song was sung. And even though we once agian sang the same songs that are old...It was anointed I even stood and did multimedia. :) The message I wasnt too sure about honestly but I'll say that either God needs to still talk to me about that when I get hectically in the word again like before. Now it's on off, either worship then read the next day,then worship. Anyway Sunday After church I realise I have no money left....Nada. And have to cancel eating out plans with Jodie.

Then Another friend called to confirm if we still getting together... and then although I was hectically tired I then said cool lets do something. We filled 2 cars and then drove to KoelBay's day camping spot. Played asshole (card game that I refuse to call something else now that i'm saved because I've been calling it that since primary school) and finished braaing at 7h30. We then drove to the last look out point before Bikini Beach and ate our supper there. We were still going to have a sleep over after that, but once I reached home my hand was paining extremely...Yep no sleeping does that to me and I was out of it, then just called the others to cancel that....

Yep and today's monday back to reality. back to realising I dont have a job, and shouldnt stress but it's there at the back of my mind...But I guess i just need to get into the word. Thats something i need to do...


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